In the realm of Chinese astrology, certain combinations of characters in a person's birth chart are believed to indicate favorable personality traits. For women, a harmonious birth chart can suggest a calm and amiable disposition.
One such combination is the presence of the "Tai Yin" (太阴) star in the day pillar. Tai Yin represents the moon and is associated with gentleness, sensitivity, and a strong feminine energy. Women with Tai Yin in their day pillar are often known for their soft and compassionate nature.
Another favorable combination is the presence of the "Xing Jun" (星君) star in the year pillar. Xing Jun is a celestial deity associated with wealth, nobility, and blessings. Women with Xing Jun in their year pillar are believed to be blessed with good fortune, which can extend to their personality as well, making them more kind and benevolent.
In the month pillar, the presence of the "Fu Xing" (福星) star is considered auspicious. Fu Xing represents happiness and good luck. Women with Fu Xing in their month pillar are often cheerful and optimistic, and they tend to bring a positive and uplifting presence to those around them.
Finally, the presence of the "Tian Xi" (天喜) star in the hour pillar is said to indicate a happy and fulfilling marriage. Tian Xi is associated with joy and celebration. Women with Tian Xi in their hour pillar are believed to be able to attract a loving and supportive partner, which can contribute to their overall well-being and happiness.
While these combinations are generally considered favorable, it is important to note that the overall balance and harmony of a birth chart is what ultimately determines a person's personality and temperament. Nevertheless, the presence of these auspicious stars can suggest a predisposition towards a calm and pleasant disposition in women.
1. 日元偏旺,身强势旺:此类八字之人,阳气过盛,冲动易怒,性格刚烈,遇事容易冲动鲁莽,控制力差。
2. 食神伤官过旺:食伤泄身太过,内心压抑难抒发,容易产生消极情绪,脾性急躁,出口伤人。
3. 七杀过旺,无制化:七杀为克身之神,过旺无制,则脾气火爆,容易冲动行事,性格暴烈,动辄打骂。
4. 火炎土燥:八字火土旺盛,命理燥烈,性格急躁,容易怒火攻心,脾气暴躁,言行举止缺乏耐心。
5. 印星受制:印星为生身之物,受制较多,则性格孤僻,缺乏耐心,易怒暴躁,与人相处难以协调。
6. 日支为七杀或伤官:日支为婚姻宫,此类配置代表配偶性格暴躁,易引发争吵。
7. 魁罡临身:魁罡为特殊神煞,身旺逢之,性格刚强暴烈,易冲动行事。
1. 日坐七杀:日柱的地支为七杀星,性格刚烈,容易冲动行事,加上七杀主克制,压力过大时,会变得脾气暴躁。
2. 日主偏旺:日主在八字中的力量过强,主观性强,不容易接受别人的意见,一旦遇到逆境,就会表现出脾气暴躁的一面。
3. 印星受损:印星主涵养和包容,如果八字中印星受损,或者印星力量弱,则此人内心的涵养不够,遇事容易发脾气。
4. 财星克印:财星主欲望,如果八字中财星太多,或者财星克制印星,则此人欲望过重,容易被欲望所左右,当欲望得不到满足时,就会发脾气。
5. 食伤泄秀:食伤主才华和表达,如果八字中食伤过旺,泄耗日主的能量,则此人容易口无遮拦,说话冲动,容易得罪人。
6. 比肩劫财旺:比肩劫财主竞争和争夺,如果八字中比肩劫财过多,则此人争强好胜,容易与他人发生争执,脾气暴躁。