Words Starting with Double Letters
aalii (Hawaiian plant)
aardvark (African mammal)
aatypical (not typical)
abaca (fiber plant)
abaction (moving away)
abbey (monastery)
abbreviation (shortened form)
abdicate (give up a throne)
abdomen (body part)
aberration (departure from normal)
abet (assist in a crime)
abhor (hate)
abide (remain)
ability (skill)
abjure (renounce)
ablation (removal)
absolute (complete)
absorb (take in)
abstain (refrain)
abstract (theoretical)
absurd (ridiculous)
abundance (plenty)
abusive (offensive)
abut (touch)
abyss (deep chasm)
acacia (tree)
accede (agree)
accelerate (speed up)
accent (stress)
accept (receive)
accessible (reachable)
accession (throne)
accessory (additional item)
accident (mishap)
acclaim (praise)
acclimate (adjust)
accommodate (provide space)
accompany (go with)
accomplish (complete)
accord (agreement)
accordion (musical instrument)
account (record)
accumulate (gather)
accurate (correct)
accuse (blame)
accustomed (used to)
acid (corrosive substance)
acknowledge (admit)
acne (skin disorder)
acoustics (sound properties)
acquire (obtain)
acquit (declare innocent)
acre (land area)
acrid (sharp or bitter)
acrobat (performer)
acrylic (plastic)
active (energetic)
actor (performer)
acute (severe)
ad (advertisement)
adapt (adjust)
add (join)
addict (dependent)
addition (supplement)
address (speech or location)
adhere (stick)
adjacent (next to)
adjective (describing word)
adjourn (postpone)
adjust (alter)
administer (manage)
admire (respect)
admission (entrance)
admit (allow in)
adobe (brick)
adopt (take as one's own)
adorable (lovable)
adore (love deeply)
adorn (decorate)
adrenalin (hormone)
adult (mature)
adultery (infidelity)
advance (move forward)
advantage (benefit)
adventure (exciting experience)
adverb (modifying word)
advertise (promote)
advice (recommendation)
advise (give advice)
advocate (support)
affair (relationship)
affect (influence)
affection (love)
affidavit (sworn statement)
affiliate (associate)
afford (provide)
affront (insult)
afraid (fearful)
Africa (continent)
after (later)
afternoon (time of day)
again (once more)
against (opposed)
age (time period)
agency (organization)
agenda (list of items)
agent (representative)
aggravate (annoy)
aggregate (total)
aggression (hostility)
aggressive (hostile)
ago (past time)
agony (intense pain)
agree (consent)
agreement (accord)
agriculture (farming)
ahead (in front)
aid (help)
ail (be sick)
aim (point)
air (atmosphere)
aircraft (plane)
airport (field)
aisle (passageway)
alarm (warning signal)
album (collection of photos)
alcohol (liquid)
alert (vigilant)
algae (plant)
algebra (math)
alibi (excuse)
alien (foreigner)
alight (descend)
align (line up)
alike (similar)
alimony (support payment)
alive (living)
all (everything)
allege (claim)
allergy (reaction)
alley (narrow street)
alliance (partnership)
alligator (reptile)
allocate (distribute)
allow (permit)
alloy (mixture of metals)
allude (refer to)
ally (friend)
almanac (reference book)
almighty (powerful)
almond (nut)
almost (nearly)
alone (solitary)
along (in line)
aloud (spoken)
alphabet (set of letters)
alpine (mountainous)
also (too)
alter (change)
altitude (height)
always (constantly)
amaze (astonish)
ambassador (representative)
amber (resin)
ambulance (vehicle)
amend (correct)
American (person from the USA)
amethyst (gem)
amidst (among)
ammo (ammunition)
amount (quantity)
ample (sufficient)
amplify (increase)
amused (entertained)
amusement (fun)
analyze (examine)
anarchy (chaos)
ancient (old)
and (connective)
anecdote (short story)
angel (heavenly being)
anger (rage)
angle (corner)
angry (mad)
animal (living creature)
ankle (joint)
anniversaries (commemorative dates)
annoy (bother)
anonymous (nameless)
another (different)
answer (response)
ant (insect)
anthem (song)
anthology (collection of writings)
antique (old item)
anxiety (worry)
anxious (worried)
any (some)
anyone (any person)
anything (any item)
anyway (in any manner)
anywhere (in any place)
apart (separate)
apartment (dwelling)
apathy (indifference)
ape (monkey)
apology (expression of regret)
apparatus (equipment)
apparent (obvious)
appeal (request)
appear (show up)
appease (calm)
appetite (hunger)
applaud (clap)
apple (fruit)
appliance (device)
applicable (relevant)
apply (use)
appoint (assign)
appreciate (value)
apprehend (arrest)
apprentice (trainee)
approach (come near)
appropriate (suitable)
approve (accept)
approximately (nearby)
apricot (fruit)
April (month)
apron (covering)
apt (likely)
aptitude (ability)
aquarium (tank for fish)
acquittal (declaration of innocence)
acre (land measurement)
acrylic (plastic material)
acupuncture (treatment)
acquired (obtained)
acquire (gain)
acquit (pronounce innocent)