鑫语 (语:言语、学识)
鑫瑞 (瑞:吉祥、顺利)
鑫铭 (铭:铭记、名言)
鑫妍 (妍:美丽、美好)
鑫瑛 (瑛:美玉)
鑫芷 (芷:香草)
鑫楠 (楠:香木)
鑫梓 (梓:梧桐)
鑫杉 (杉:常绿乔木)
鑫萱 (萱:萱草)
鑫沐 (沐:沐浴、恩泽)
鑫婳 (婳:美好、漂亮)
鑫涵 (涵:包容、涵养)
鑫润 (润:滋润、和顺)
鑫汐 (汐:潮汐)
鑫彤 (彤:红色、光明)
鑫煜 (煜:火光)
鑫焱 (焱:火焰)
鑫煦 (煦:阳光、温暖)
鑫暖 (暖:温暖、舒适)
鑫毓 (毓:培育、养育)
鑫宜 (宜:合适、美好)
鑫瑶 (瑶:美玉)
鑫琪 (琪:美玉)
鑫珍 (珍:珍贵、宝贵)
A pair of double quotation marks ("") is used to enclose a quotation, speech, or a particular word or phrase in a text. It is also used to indicate that a word or phrase is being used in a special or technical sense.
Here are some examples of how quotation marks are used:
To enclose a quotation:
> "I have a dream," said Martin Luther King, Jr.
To enclose a speech:
> The President said, "We must all work together to create a better tomorrow."
To enclose a particular word or phrase:
> The word "dog" has many different meanings.
To indicate that a word or phrase is being used in a special or technical sense:
> The "Internet" is a global network of computers.